Edward Tomkus

A while back I began to capture portraits in my own painting style. My aim then and now, is to economically capture each individual with as little brushwork and fuss as possible and with agreed artistic license to be honest in my execution...warts and all!.
Edward Tomkus is an artist and fellow colleague. A burley, odd (in the kindest way), larger than life character with a thick Scottish brogue' who never fails to lift the spirits!

From start to finish- 'Edward Tomkus'
Having finished the first portrait, decided that I must capture Eds' brighter side. Finished this painting in one long sitting:

'Beam me up!'

The Unveiling!

Delighted to share with you some samples of Ed’s paintings. Here we have e two watercolour miniatures 6.5cm x 8.5cm, painted in 2007.